Poho Kererū Au!

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This term I have been learning about plays, including dialogue and Maori purakau. For the past week I have been working on telling ´Te Waka O Aoraki´ purakau through a slideshow, I am most proud of this because it its telling a story and Maori people passed on knowledge orally and this is a Maori story but also because I really like telling stories. I wonder how many Maori purakau there are? I enjoyed this mahi especially because its really fun to do slideshows for me. What is your favorite story? Write your reply in a comment.

One thought on “Poho Kererū Au!

  1. kia ora Heath i really like your Poho Kererū Au! it was cool. i loved this because you added a shark eating the stingray and how the water went red. did you know this reminds me of the time i went on google and search red sea. why did you do this?. maybe you could add more. the end hope you like my comment.